Performance Levels

Level A1

Beginner I: You have no knowledge of the Spanish language. You are perhaps familiar with a few expressions and words like “Hello, good morning” (buenos días), “Don’t mention it”/”Please” (de nada/por favor), “Thanks” (gracias) or “Good bye” (hasta luego)..

Level A2

Beginner II: You are able to express in a very simple way where you come from, what you do, how old you are, what your profession is, etc. You are able to read and understand simple texts. But pronunciation as well as phrasing still cause considerable difficulties, and a fluent conversation is not yet possible. You know how to conjugate the verbs ending with -ar, -er, and -ir as well as the most important modal verbs (poder, querer, deber, etc.). The correct use of “ser” (to be I) and “estar” (to be II) still presents some difficulties.

Level B1

Intermediate I: You are familiar with the fundamentals of Spanish grammar, particularly with the forms and use of the diverse past tenses in the indicative mood. You know some forms of the present tense in subjunctive mood (“Presente de Subjuntivo”), but you are not always sure when and how to use them. The use of “ser” and “estar” does not present major problems, neither does the conjugation of the numerous irregular verbs. You dispose of a basic vocabulary and you can follow quite easily a conversation about topics you are familiar with. But there are still some difficulties in constructing complex phrases. With regard to correct pronunciation and wording, you still feel somewhat unsure and limited.

Level B2

Intermediate II: You are able to talk about general and job-related topics, to make appointments, to understand business correspondence. Making phone calls still creates slight problems. Reading a newspaper and formulating your own texts is still fairly difficult and requires quite a lot of time. Using in correct way the different past tenses in the indicative mood is (almost) no problem. You know the forms of the present tense in the subjunctive mood (“Presente de Subjuntivo”), and you are able to apply them quite well. You have heard about the past tenses in the subjunctive mood (“Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo”, “Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo”, and “Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo”), but the use still looks somewhat difficult.

Level C1

Advanced I: You master the structure of the grammar and you have a good command of the subjunctive mood (“Presente de Subjuntivo”) as well as of the use of the diverse past tenses in the indicative mood. In addition, you are familiar with the past tenses of the subjunctive mood and you know how to handle them. “Ser” and “estar” are no problem at all. You are able to converse about “God and the World” and to join a round table discussion or to keep abreast in a business negotiation. The flow of your language is good, as well as your vocabulary and the way you express yourself. But everything is still subject to be polished.

Level C2

Advanced II: Your language is fluent and correct, both in written and oral form. You are able to understand and to formulate difficult pieces of texts. Left to be improved is minor grammatical details related to the elegance of your Spanish, as well as the use of idiomatic terms and, if need be, the accumulation of specific vocabularies.


EDEAQ – Escuela de Español Ari Quipay
Calle La Merced 123 (entrance Hostal Los Andes)
Arequipa – Peru


Phone (Monday to Friday: 08:00 h to 13:00 h and 17:30 h to 20:00 h)
Phone (Saturday / Sunday: 09:00 h to 13:00 h and 17:30 h to 20:00 h)
+51 54 27 25 17 or +51 95 561 56 79 or +51 95 934 26 60 or +51 95 235 05 70


Text management, editing, photos: Max Seelhofer
Proof-reading: Kathleen Peters, Pamela Harmsen,
Ellen Purcell, Shana Bertetto, Joy Weatherwax
Webmaster: Max Seelhofer –
Matthias Jöstl